Teaching Practice
Fall 2022: CE 363 Transport Engineering and Pavement Design (4 Credits)
Primary Instructor
28 Students Enrolled
Evaluation Score: 9.6/10
Spring 2022: CE 465/565 Transportation Data Management and Analysis (3 Credits)
Technical Session Instructor
7 Students Enrolled
Evaluation Score: 5/5
Teaching Assistant
Fall 2018: CE 363 Transport Engineering and Pavement Design (4 Credits)
39 Students Enrolled
Evaluation Score: 4.3/5
Fall 2017: CE 363 Transport Engineering and Pavement Design (4 Credits)
51 Students Enrolled
Evaluation Score: 4.5/5
Guest Lecturer
Guest Lectured in CE 363 Transport Engineering and Pavement Design (Fall 2021)
Discussed the role of information technology and data in transportation engineering
Applied learner-centered teaching methods such as interactive polling and think-pair-share groups to increase engagement
Mentored 3 Undergraduate Students and 3 Graduate Students
Taught coding principles and system development
Taught database management for web development
Worked on projects together to share academic direction
Delegated tasks and facilitated synthesis of learning
Spatial Location Joining App Co-Developed with Mentee
Performing Server Maintenance with Mentee
PC Building Workshop
Mentee Workshops
PC building workshop held to inform mentees on computer components
3 graduate students, 2 undergraduate students
Two ShinyProxy workshops held to teach mentees how to develop containerized traffic data dashboards using R and Shiny
3 graduate students, 1 undergraduate students